Monday, February 8, 2010

the puzzles of dreams and the presence of ghosts

there is no seemingly obvious way to start this, excuse me in advance for any rambling and/or straying off point that i may do...but, this IS MY blog, so, really, i guess i need not make apologies... :)

i feel asleep quite early last night. my son has been sick and he asked to "go night-night, for some peace and quiet"...and, so, i obliged...

we lay down at around 8:45 pm. it was staring to rain outside, the saints were pounding the colts (not that i watch football, but i wanted to saints to take the superbowl, for the sake of giving NOLA a boost of spirit, soul and survival). we both fell to slumbering quickly.

now, i must back-pedal a bit, in case you are unaware of the *weird* things that occur in the neighborhood where i reside. i live in VERY active area for ghostly and or seemingly unexplainable paranormal activity. we did some research a couple of years ago and came to learn that our entire neighborhood is built upon what was once indian land. the town my neighborhood is closest to is aubrey, texas. the name was chosen from a hat full of "non-indian-sounding" names, by indians, to try to give it appeal to white settlers.

so...over the 2 and a half years i have lived here, i have seen a goat in my kitchen, birds flying in my hallway...once, a man was up near the ceiling in my hall, floating in a "jesus christ pose". there is something we call "shadowman" which is a dark shadow that moves quickly around corners when you enter a room...he has been seen in two houses. there was the "stink-eye man" who hung out in the attic of my neighbor, banging loudly on her ceiling in the evenings, following her from room to room. one neighbor and i have both experienced being woken up in the middle of the night by being held down at the neck & waist, choked and unable to move for about a minute, give or take. another neighbor has coyotes that hung out in her master closet for a very long time (years) old woman who seemed attracted to her jewelry box, and a soldier who would visit her daughter and show her his medals. there was top hat man, and another man who played the violin and showed a photo of his bride. just last week, one of my neighbors was going to get in the shower when he smelled "old lady perfume"...he looked up and there was an old woman with a topknot bun on her head, peeking at him from out of the closet attached to their master closet. we knew of her, she is attached to an old suitcase that his wife owns.

we have all felt "watched" over the few years we have lived in this cluster of houses. felt in the presence of someone, something. we have smudged, saged and asked them to go, or at least coexist peacefully. we have had items disappear and reappear in STRANGE places. not unusual items & for example, are a common one. in my house we have 5 (two pairs and one single)shoes which have vanished COMPLETELY. it had been 3 complete pairs, but one shoe reappeared after 6 months of being missing. my neighbor's husband had his dress shoes disappear. a month later, they reappeared, sitting in THE MIDDLE of his office, TOTALLY out of place among his work stuff. phone chargers, lipstick...odd items, one would think, except for one fact. they are things we noticed missing quickly...things we use regularly...and poof - they disappear - then reappear, in weird, out-of-place locations.

i assure you, we are NOT crazy. this IS really happening.

the activity seems to ebb and flow... we will have long periods of nothingness...and, then, it will start up again. lately, it is active.

we have been able to capture HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of energy orbs in photos. it has gotten to where i can actually see a "sparkle" in mid-air...if i grab my camera quickly enough, i can often capture an orb. last summer, in a period of three days, i was able to take over 200 photos containing orbs. not dust, not water, we have heard all of the skeptic theories...and we have done a ton of research in an effort to make sense of it. i know, you are thinking i am CRAZY. that this is fiction, or even total bullshit, but i SWEAR to you.....this is all for real.

i have lived with ghosts before. once in a house in the hill country of texas, once in a flat in san francisco...but i have never experienced anything like what goes on in savannah, texas.

so, lately, the activity has been picking up. the old lady with the bun occurred just last week. i have seen shadowman twice in the past 2 weeks. i have seen electric blue bursts twice in the past few days. once, on the table, right next to my hands as i was writing something down...once, in the air, much larger, about the side of a mylar balloon. i have been known to speak out loud to them, ask them who they are and why they are here. sometimes they seem familiar, sometimes they make me feel uneasy.

ok, so, back to the original inspiration for this post...........

i have an ex-step grandmother, who i am still have a relationship with. when i was little, i would occasionally spend the night at her house. i slept in the same room there, down an upstairs hall, on the front of the house. she still lives in that house, in university park. it sits among the ever-developing & disgusting mcmansions that are squeezing out the original homes, gobbling up the personality and style of what was once a truly lovely part of dallas.

ANYWAY.....i have recurring dreams about her house. i dream that inside the room where i would sleep, there are hidden panels that lead to a series of other rooms, FILLED with treasure and secrets. last night was one of these dreams.

last night, i dreamt that i was at the house. also there was a very old friend who (in real life) has twin boys. in the dream, each twin had a kind of shadow-twin. it was very strange. the shadow-twins were mentally-challenged in some way...but, they were in touch with a realm that the rest of us could not quite grasp.

the six of us were walking all thru my grandmothers neighborhood. i was wanting to take them to the house, so that the shadow-twins could somehow explain to me some of the mysteries held within those secret rooms. somehow, they were going to be able to translate information that i had never before been able to understand. i was VERY excited about this prospect of new understanding. as we walked and walked thru the neighborhood. we would weave in and out of backyards...visiting with neighbors that have (in the real, waking world) LONG-SINCE moved out and on...either to new homes, or have passed away. we visit with people...we swim in their pools...we are given gifts along the way by different people, trinkets from their homes..thinks that they INSIST we take...

finally, we arrive at my grandmothers house. she greets us at the door, and altho never in a dream before has she been aware of these secret rooms, this time she is. she leads us upstairs in a most-excited fashion...overflowing and starting already to tell us things and show us items of interest. we go into a room, and then beyond it, another... there, sitting in a chair is my grandfather, her husband. he is dead in real life, and is also dead in the dream, but sits there as a fully visible (to all of us) spirit/ghost. she tells us, very matter-of-factly, "don't worry, that's just ed". all from the ceiling there are vintage suits and coats hanging...we have to duck to get under them as we move along. we come to a closet and she picks up a leather skirt. it is molded, as tho it is plastic, but it is leather, and it is PAINTED, flower designs. it is victorian in style and very lovely...most intriguing, it's size. it looks like it would fit a very tiny person, a child, or perhaps, a dwarf. she gives it to me and tells me that this skirt is a big piece of the puzzle to understanding the mysteries of the hidden rooms. i clutch it tightly and we continue on. when we leave that room, she leaves us alone, implying that the skirt will be our guide from this point forward. i am TOTALLY confused.

the shadow-twins want to go back outside, and seeing as how they have some ability to know something i don't, we all follow them. we come up to a swimming pool that is almost totally drained, just a little water in the deep end. standing on the ground next to the pool is my (dead in real life, died just over one year ago) friend t-mo. in the dream, i know he is supposed to be dead, and, in fact, he is, but this is a bright light of a blue t-mo...not unlike the electric blue light i have seen twice in my house recently. he is a shadow of himself, and he really just wants us to hang out with him. he is waiting for the rest of the water to go out of the pool, so that he can skate it. (if you knew t-mo, you are laughing right now). so, we hang out...and the shadow-twins are trying to tell me something, they want the skirt and i won't give it to them...and the real twins are talking to t-mo and laughing and having a great time...and i am just CLUTCHING that skirt to my chest...

and i wake up.

and it's 5am, on the dot. and at the VERY MOMENT that i look at the clock, a MASSIVE clap of thunder rings out and shakes my whole house. i realize that my tv is not on the music channel i sleep to. it is not even set to tv. it is set to "video 3", which is an option you would choose if you had components attached to the tv, which i do not. and the REALLY crazy thing about the fact that the tv is on video 3........the ONLY way to get it on that setting is by using the tv remote which is IN MY SIDE TABLE DRAWER. it is in there because i don't use it. i don't need to...i can control the on/off and the channels with the cable remote. i put that remote in the drawer months ago and have not touched it since. i will say again...there is NO WAY to put the tv on this setting without the remote that was put away in a closed drawer. i am baffled. i open the drawer to change it back to "TV"...and it hits me that...when the tv is on one of the video settings, without having a dvd or vcr or whatever attached to it...the screen glows electric blue.

thank you for reading. the next time i am moved to blog, i hope it is something as fun to share as this was. xox


  1. ho!!!
    If it wasn't you, i think i would not believe a single word!!
    My english is not the best but as far as i undertstand, you don't seem to be really afraid of all these things, right?
    Some people think these kind of things are "cool" but i'm sure you don't when you live it.

  2. It is time to start (or continue) writing a book. This is intriguing. Scary but a little funny. By the way, what, exactly, did you eat and/or drink last night before bed?
